Postpartum Workout
Losing weight after having a baby can be a big challenge, especially shedding postpartum belly fat. Many new mothers, as well as women whose children are no longer babies, struggle with this annoying buildup of fat.
Many people are tempted to try "quick-fix" techniques, such as radical soup diets, diet pills, and other extreme approaches that can't be sustained over the long term. It's important to remember that the changes you will make to reduce the weight must be changes that you can maintain.
Also, you don't have to start living at a gym. There are plenty of healthy ways to raise your metabolism and burn more calories without pumping iron in a gym for hours at a time every day of the week.
Exercise Every Day
Consistent daily exercise will make a huge difference in the shape of your body and the way it works with calories. During exercise, you make healthy demands on your mind, body, and heart. You are building up lean muscle mass as well. When you have more lean muscle mass, you burn up more calories all day long, even when you are asleep. More exercise will benefit you in every way possible.
With exercise, your heart pumps blood much more effectively. This reduces the risk of heart disease. It also helps reduce deposits of fat, which in turn reduces the risks of many other health problems such as diabetes.
As a bonus, doing exercise gives you a burst of endorphins. Endorphins are natural "feel-good" substances that your body releases into your bloodstream. This will help your attitude to stay positive and to help you stay motivated.
You don't need to devote your whole life to exercise in order to get all the benefits and to help reduce your postpartum belly fat. You just need to work out for at least a half hour, consistently. Work toward three or four workouts a week to gain all the benefits and reduce the most weight.
What is a workout? Samba dancing for a half hour is a good example. A fast-paced two-mile walk is also good; riding a bike, or throwing a Frisbee with the kids or your dog, will also do nicely. Whatever form of exercise you do, it should speed up your heart rate above its resting rate, and make you breathe a little harder and faster.
Don't overdo it, though; you should still be able to carry on a conversation while exercising. It's great if you feel that your muscles are being challenged, and if you can break a sweat.
Eat All Foods in Moderation
Don't try to be a saint by restricting yourself only to "diet" foods. You have to allow yourself to eat all foods, but eat fattening foods in moderation. If you become too drastic on a diet, you will eventually feel stressed. When you do finally allow yourself a "forbidden" food, you can easily overindulge, undoing all your hard work.
Have a few of your favorite fattening foods when you really want them, to help control your cravings and keep yourself on track.
Even "healthy" foods should be eaten in moderation. Having smaller portions of all foods will help shrink the size of your stomach and help it expect less food. This will result in you being able to be comfortable with smaller portions of all your foods, leading to increased weight loss.
Also, drink plenty of water to help fool your stomach into feeling more full. Be aware of your food portions, too. One portion of chicken, meat, or fish is about the size of a deck of cards. Most restaurants serve extremely oversized portions, so make a point of dividing your portions and taking home at least half of whatever meals you get in restaurants.
Recruit a Diet and Workout Buddy
Studies have proved that having a diet and workout buddy dramatically increases your chances of success in losing your postpartum belly fat. It will help you keep your motivation for maintaining your diet, sticking with your exercise routine, and maintaining your weight loss. Buddies can help you feel accountable and encourage you to report your progress at regular intervals, up to several times a week.